Posts tagged ‘life’


Bowed! Yes bowed, that’s how I walk, head low, eyes on the ground!

My bow is not because I’m tall, no!

Nor is it a tribute to any LORD!

No! I walk bowed, my head low, my heart low, all bowed!

Shame feels my soul, my eyes deem, my hands loosely hang to my side,

My feet heavy, weighted by broken dreams, dreams of the past, dreams of a scorned woman, the dreams of now!

I walk bowed.

For I’ve been nailed to the wall of a carcass of hope!

Hope that postulates to offer me life!


The Unwelcomed Visitor

He brings with him blackness,
That pierces to the crevices of our soul,
He causes tears to flow,
He stares we cease to exist!

This ugly monster is not tribal,
Neither is he racist, he visits all,
An unwelcome taste he leaves,
He brings with him black tidings of bitterness,

He creeps in like a thief,
Gluttonously siphoning the fuel of life,
He traps us with his sting,
There is no escaping his visits!

He arrogantly fly’s his whisker, when he calls,
Triumphantly laughing at the blackness behind,
He brings emptiness, leaving our soul bare,
There is no resisting him, nor can he be bribed,
He must visit! the poor, the rich, though none welcomes him,

His sting cannot be escaped,
In his haughtiness he forgets,
That he be unwelcome,
He must come in, for us to move to the next life!
For eternal ecstasy awaits!

His triumphant laughter ends with his visit!
In the end he dies!
We are eternal, we have the last laugh!

K&R – Adventuring

Our photos are those of the beauty this world presents to us shown through our lens.

Norah Owaraga

Mummy Tales

Just another site